Featured, Health/Beauty

Skincare After 35: Tips and Products for a Youthful Glow

As we age, our skin undergoes changes that can leave us feeling less confident about our appearance. However, with the right skin care routine and products, we can maintain a youthful glow well into our 30s and beyond. Here are some tips and product recommendations for skin care after 35. 1. Use a gentle cleanser:… Read More Skincare After 35: Tips and Products for a Youthful Glow

Featured, Health/Beauty

Tired of your current Morning Skincare Routine? 2022

Welcome to a new year! While inspired on that end, I also considered my good friend asking me if I’m tired of my current morning skincare routine. This morning while journaling I thought of a clever ending to my journal post; “time flies like the wings of a hummingbird.” The inspiration came from looking at… Read More Tired of your current Morning Skincare Routine? 2022

1 Eleven, All The Coolness, Featured, Style Details

Los Angeles|Geometric Zodiac Tattoos|Couple Tats

Couple Tatts Tattoos sometimes is a hard thought out process to actually getting it done. Even tho there are processes to getting your tats removed it is still a thought that this thing I put on myself will last for ever. So what’s the tat to get as a couple, it doesn’t have to be… Read More Los Angeles|Geometric Zodiac Tattoos|Couple Tats

All The Coolness, Featured

Summer to Fall Skincare

How to stay hydrated through the climate change. This is an age old question. How do you change your summer skincare routine into your fall/winter skincare routine. Some people may not know that your skin needs different textures or better yet, different thickness of creams and serums when the weather changes. Personally, I go for… Read More Summer to Fall Skincare